Rui Chafes Sculpture

Sinopse do evento
In art, what is important is not just what is seen, but also what is not seen, what is sensed and guessed, the various layers that constitute its thought and its roots. The way a work of art presents itself to the World is more than just its form: the visible and the invisible are its constituent essence. What cannot be seen is what gives meaning to its presence, it is there without showing itself (just like a fruit that, when it reaches our hands, brings with it the sun and the clouds and rain that created it). of art are not allowed to be encompassed in their entirety, their secret dimension resists the spectator and the author himself. This sculpture is a seed that will be born in Aveiro, hovering in the intermediate space between the water and the sky, between the dark and the light, offering itself to our gaze and our intuition. Like all births, it will bring unknowns and questions to the World: perhaps the light is not only above nor the darkness only below.