T0 + 1 | A show between 4 walls and on 3 wheels

Sinopse do evento
A Circus artist loses all his work after a pandemic shakes the world as we know it. The Artist-Clown-Juggler, at the end of confinement, takes to the road with his three-wheeled motorbike and seeks to rediscover his street, his public space, his place of work where he can present his shows and rediscover the people. He is unexpectedly forced to stop: a mechanical breakdown! Or will it be something else? Already inside his small house, the thoughts, emotions and uncertainties experienced during the days of Lock Down (confinement) are born. It reflects on the right to housing, nomadism and the importance of seeing our planet as a home for all its inhabitants. He searches for answers in the works of the great Philosophers, having as their roots the Platonic Solids that represent the five elements of the universe. In poetic and clownistic language, he presents these ideas to the first visitors to his home, in a promise of renewal, unity, hope and a desire to create a better future.
A Future Present!